Mυθοποίηση – Mythopoesis VI
New Memories
El Arbi Bouqdib Archive
Artists: Sergey Bratkov, Elshan Ghasimi, Ben Greber, Markus Hoffmann, Michal Martychowiec, Patrick Panetta, Max Schaffer, Stark & Shakupa
curated by Eleonora Frolov and JMH Schindele
Concept and initiative: JMH Schindele
Exhibition runtime: 18. August – 5. Oktober 2024, Venue: Pumpwerk Berlin
News | Thesaurós-Artists
News | Exhibition-Cycles
El Arbi Bouqdib Archive
The El Arbi Bouqdib Archive (EBA) is an inter- and transdisciplinary long-term project that, with its self-conception as a 'running' archive, questions standard practices of remembrance and preservation. Based on the estate of the mathematician, poet, Islamic mystic, and Quran researcher El Arbi Bouqdib, who was born in Morocco and passed away in Bremen in 2016, a collective and processually open archival procedure involves artists from various fields as well as scholars.
Elshan Ghasimi
Elshan Ghasimi (*1981 in Isfahan, Iran) works as a musician and composer in meeting spaces of tradition and modernity, West and East, music and other art forms. Ghasimi's approach is greatly influenced by the tradition and practice of the radīf, the repertoire of Persian classical music, which is imparted from master to student through years of immersion and familiarisation. She has been living in Germany since 2016.
Exhibition cycle
Elies Miniatures
When El Arbi Bouqdib passed away in March of 2016 in Bremen, Germany, he left many secrets yet to be unveiled. In order to manage and structure his estate, Bublitz founded the El Arbi Bouqdib Archive in 2017. As part of Bublitz Thesaurós, the Archive’s role is to report on and publicize the life and work of the biochemist, mystic, Qur’an researcher and poet.
In the summer of 2018, a new format and exhibition cycle premiered: Elies Miniatures. Based on the compositions of the classical Persian musician Elshan Ghasimi, the exhibition cycle interweaves classical music with various artistic genres and the divergent work of several authors.
Gabriel & Schindele
GABRIEL is a tale and cosmos by performance artist Edwin W. Moes and art historian JMH Schindele. Since 2019 they are operating as the artist duo Gabriel & Schindele. The main character of this narrative is called Gabriel and is embodied by Moes.
Exhibition cycle
Mυθοποίηση – Mythopoesis
The exhibition cycle Mythopoesis (translated roughly as 'myth-making') began in February 2020 in the exhibition space Bublitz Thesaurós on Uhlandstraße in Berlin. The group exhibition Tempel auf Zeit [Temporary Tempel] was followed by the solo exhibitions GABRIEL - Marianische Antiphonen I and the two-part exhibition The Mythology of Michal Martychowiec: News from the Last Man and Josephine, entering the maze.
Bublitz Objects
Bublitz Objects is the mediation platform of Bublitz. Here you can find luminescent details about artworks and their creators. You can also purchase artworks by the four Thesaurós artists here.
Hilarion Manero
„Thanks to the constantly effective miracle assumed by myth, the waking day of a people who are stimulated by myth, as the ancient Greeks were, does indeed resemble dream more than it does the day of a thinker whose mind has been sobered by science. If, one day, any tree may speak as a nymph, or if a god can carry off virgins in the guise of a bull, if the goddess Athene herself is suddenly seen riding on a beautiful chariot in the company of Pisistratus through the market-places of Athens - and that was what the honest Athenian believed - then anything is possible at any time....."
A statement about the Mnemosyne project
"In Europe, history and a vision of the future are very closely linked. Europe‘s promise revolves around two decisive transformations:
1. From war to peace – from European history we learn that erstwhile mortal enemies become peacefully coexisting and closely cooperating neighbours.
2. From coercion to freedom – from European history we learn that dictatorships can become democracies.
In order to safeguard these values, the EU‘s indifferent phase must be followed by a phase of revival, emotion, renewal and engagement. The project Mnemosyne. In Search of the European Identity is heading in precisely this direction. We therefore support it wholeheartedly."
Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann & Prof. Dr. Em. Jan Assmann
Exhibition cycle
Bublitz first exhibition cycle in 2011 was Handlungsbereitschaft – Skizze einer Generation am Ende der Geschichte. [Readiness to Act – Draft of a Generation at the End of History]. In this series, the sketch and psychogram of the generation born between 1980 and 1990 were designed. This was achieved by means of the works and positions of about 60 artists and guests, as well as by integrating cultural artefacts and a comprehensive dialogue and supporting programme.
Mυθοποίηση – Mythopoesis III
Nachricht vom letzten Menschen
The Mythology of Michal Martychowiec
Runtime: 30th August – 11th Oktober 2020
Opening 29th August, 6 PM
curated by Julian M. H. Schindele
Nachricht vom letzten Menschen [Message from the Last Man] is an exploration of the symbolic sign cosmos and the new mythology of Michal Martychowiec. The two main protagonists of this exhibition, which can also be understood as a parable, are the figure of the incredulous St. Thomas and the figure of the "panda". The latter can be understood as the "last man", how he was prominently described, e.g. by Max Weber or Friedrich Nietzsche.
The exhibition is also the third part of the cycle "Mυθοποίηση - Mythopoesis," curated by Julian M. H. Schindele. It is interested in forms taken by actualization, variation, the invention of myths, and archetypal narratives today as well as their poetological analysis.
M υ θ ο π ο ί η σ η V
Mythopoesis V
Marianische Antiphonen I – III
Gabriel & Schindele
Photographer: Stefan Hähnel
8th of April ∙ 6 p.m. ∙ to 7th of May 2022
Meraner Straße 7
10825 Berlin
nadan.org ∙ bublitz.org
Bublitz & Thesaurós
Bublitz is an artist and curator initiative founded in 2011. It works at the interface between art and cultural history and is a combination of cultural production site, artist group, curator's office, gallery, music publisher, and concert organiser.
The three core elements of Bublitz are thematic exhibition cycles, the work of the artist group Thesaurós, and the miniature museum Bublitz Thesaurós. in Berlin.