Michal Martychowiec Blue #5 (Upper Lusatia)
(January 2016) chromogenic prints, 175x220 cm
Dear friends of summer,
I would like to draw your attention to several program items by the artists of Bublitz Infrastructure.
Firstly, Elshan Ghasimi is performing at the Kampnagel International Summer Festival in Hamburg on the 24th of August. On the 26th and 27th of August, she can be seen and, above all, heard at the Dara String Festival in Berlin at the Theater im Delphi. Further information and tickets can be found on the respective websites (links marked in green, as always).
In the unique atmosphere of the Wehrmuehle Museum at Art Biesenthal, Michal Martychowiec will be showing his, it must be said, heavenly photographs from the Blue series. These are accompanied, framed, and interrogated by a series of his Promethean neon works. The group exhibition with the optimistic as well as correct title Let Life be Beautiful like Summer Flowers was curated by Dan Chen and runs until the 24th of September. An unconditional recommendation to all Berliners for a lovely late summer excursion.
If you happen to be in the south, southeast of the republic, I recommend a visit to the Höpfgut in Breitenberg, Lower Bavaria. This summer, the BAUHAUS BAVARIA artists' summer residence took place here for the first time. As a result, the exhibition Beyond Landscape can be visited until the 3rd of September. The exhibition features works created on-site by Elshan Ghasimi, Rachel Harris, Julius Holtz, Markus Hoffmann, Peter Kees, JMH Schindele and Aline Weyel.
Wishing you the best,
JMH Schindele

Michal Martychowiec Blue #3 (Pomerania)
(November 2013) chromogenic prints, 175x220 cm