Hilarion Manero

Thanks to the constantly effective miracle assumed by myth, the waking day of a people who are stimulated by myth, as the ancient Greeks were, does indeed resemble dream more than it does the day of a thinker whose mind has been sobered by science. If, one day, any tree may speak as a nymph, or if a god can carry off virgins in the guise of a bull, if the goddess Athene herself is suddenly seen riding on a beautiful chariot in the company of Pisistratus through the market-places of Athens - and that was what the honest Athenian believed - then anything is possible at any time, as it is in dream, and the whole of nature cavorts around men as if it were just a masquerade of the 3 gods who are merely having fun by deceiving men in every shape and form.“

This passage from Friedrich Nietzsche's epoch-making essay Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne [On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense], 1873, is intended to serve instead of the usual introduction. Manero consciously and conceptually refuses any kind of fixed definition. "Only the works shall speak for me," he says. Nietzsche here, then, as spectacles of poetical hermeneutics and as an idea from which spirit Manero's work might spring.


* The prices of works of art by Hilarion Maneros are generally not displayed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.


Name Hommage a Baudelaire
Size 27,9 x 21cm
Year 2001

Name Selfmorde des Judas
Size 27,9 x 21cm
Year 2007

Name Studie for King David
Size 27,9 x 21cm
Year 2005

Name The River Styx
Size 27,9 x 21cm
Year 2005


Name Good-Luck-Bone, The Deal-Die Abmachung
Size 50 x 49,5cm
Year 2006

Name Copper Face
Size 40 x 30cm
Year 2000

Name Venus One - Thalassa
Size 83,5 x 98cm
Year 2003

Name Pan
Size 98 x 69 cm
Year 2002

Name Love is the Beauty of Defence
Size 44 x 172cm
Year 2002

Photography and Collage

Name Nox at the Doors of plutonium
Size 111 x 216,1 cm
Year 2014/15

Name The whims of Uranus und der Mond Klymene
Size 111 x 142,3 cm
Year 2014/15

Name Odyssos
Size 70 x 46 cm
Year 1998

Selected works of art

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Karte I: 15.9.2015–7.8.2019

Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Karte I: 15.9.2015–7.8.2019
Size 54 x 97 cm
Year 2019

Unicorn V. Eucalypto

Name Unicorn V. Eucalypto
Size 50 x 66 cm
Year 2016

2-8 | Van Gogh (unbekannt)
Elies Miniatures Diskette 8

Artist El Arbi Bouqdib Archive
Name 2-8 | Van Gogh (unbekannt)
Size 50 x 80 cm
Year 2018

Hommage a Baudelaire

Artist Hilarion Manero
Name Hommage a Baudelaire
Size 27,9 x 21 cm
Year 2001


Artist Hilarion Manero
Name Odyssos
Size 70 x 46 cm
Year 1998

Everything about the contemporary is panda

Artist Michal Martychowiec
Name Everything about the contemporary is panda
Size 75 x 100 cm
Year 2017

Michal Martychowiec - All is history
2-10 | Schwarzer Monolith (unbekannt)
Elies Miniatures Diskette 10

Artist El Arbi Bouqdib Archive
Name 2-10 | Schwarzer Monolith (unbekannt)
Size 50 x 80 cm
Year 2018

Studie for King David

Artist Hilarion Manero
Name Studie for King David
Size 27,9 x 21 cm
Year 2005

Good-Luck-Bone, The Deal-Die Abmachung

Artist Hilarion Manero
Name Good-Luck-Bone, The Deal-Die Abmachung
Size 50 x 49,5 cm
Year 2006

Good-Luck-Bone, The Deal-Die Abmachung, 50 x 49,5, 2006
What remains the poets provide

Artist Michal Martychowiec
Name What remains the poets provide
Size 130 x 100 cm
Year 2018

Michal Martychowiec - What remains the poets provide
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