Henrike Naumann, Triangular Stories (Ibiza), 2012

Handlungsbereitschaft (2. edition)

Which perspectives can there still be after 60 years of democratic self-evidence?

In France and Canada it’s the Phénomène Tanguy, known to us as the Internship Generation, in the USA one speaks of the Boomerang Generation, Japan words it more strongly with the term ‘Freeter’ for parasitic singles. Waithood, Failure to Launch, Twixter, NEETS are only a few of the additional feats of language used to describe more or less the same phenomenon. An endless oscillation between self-improvement, anxiety and narcissism.

„Handlungsbereitschaft – Draft of a Generation at the End of History is composed of works and positions of young artists and maps a psychogram of today’s 20 and 30-year-olds. More specific and dense than in the first installment of 2011, it focusses the generation´s self-understanding, values and aspirations.

Participating artists:
Julius von Bismarck, Martin Bothe, Gabo Camnitzer, Linus Dutz, Alice Escher, Johannes Flechtenmacher, Friedemann Heckel, Will Kempkes, Fabian Knecht, Martin Kohout, Anja Langer, Christoph Medicus, Henrike Naumann, Nils Pegel, Alessandro Rauschmann, Max Schaffer, Felix Schneeweiß, Lea Steffens, Anna Szaflarski, URBANIST, Mike Ruiz, Johannes Vogl, Mikka Wellner, Philipp Wenning, Philipp Wimmen

Curated by Mona El-Bira, Madlen Stange and Julian Malte Schindele

Henrike Naumann, Triangular Stories (Jena), 2012



Installation view with works by Julius von Bismarck and Anja Langer



Installation view with works by Christoph Medicus, Mike Ruiz and Johannes Flechtenmacher



Installation view with works by Martin Bothe and Friedemann Heckel



Installation view



Gabo Camnitzer – The Motivator, 2011


Photos © Stefan Hähnel