© 2024 feel.jazz festival
Dear readers,
In a year that is no longer young but certainly not yet old, we wish you all the best: spirit, strong nerves, and peace of mind.
On Saturday, 3 February, tar master and composer Elshan Ghasimi will present her new program for the first time with jazz trumpeter and electronic musician Philipp Püschel at the feel.jazz festival at the Hafenklang in Hamburg.
Tickets and more about the festival, which starts on 2 February, can be found here.

© 2024 feel.jazz festival
"Don't hammer a nail in the wall" – a ceremony to mark Brecht's birthday.
With Mariam Meetra (Afghanistan), Atefe Asadi (Iran), Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu (Eritrea) and Sveta Ben (Belarus), music by Elshan Ghasimi (Iran/Germany)
On Saturday, 10 February, at 3 pm, a special ceremony will take place in the inner courtyard of the Brecht House in Berlin and the adjacent Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof cemetery. At a festive kick-off of the Brecht Days 2024, we will celebrate Bert Brecht's birthday with the Berlin public with music and readings by exiled poets. Admission is free!

© Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Bertolt-Brecht-Archiv 2967
We look forward to welcoming you to our events in the new year, engaging in dialogue on-site, celebrating our cultures, and immersing ourselves more deeply in them.
Your Julian Malte Hatem Schindele