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Dear Guests,

Thank you for attending the exhibition opening of "New Memories (El Arbi Bouqdib Archive)" and last Saturday's summer festival. You will find some impressions of this beautiful art-filled day attached. It was a great pleasure to welcome many international guests to the Pumpwerk and celebrate this day together.

The lively atmosphere in the park and the exhibition made this day an unforgettable experience. We are delighted by the numerous conversations, positive feedback, and enthusiasm the exhibition has sparked. In particular, El Arbi Bouqdib, the central figure of the exhibition, fascinated many of you and raised intriguing questions.

To delve deeper into the exhibition's themes, we cordially invite you to an exclusive Curator's Tour on August 25 at 4 PM or September 21, 2024, at 4 PM. These tours allow you to learn more about the exhibition's background and ask your questions directly to the curators and Bouqdib's archive administrators. You can also discuss the curatorial and conceptual approach of the exhibition in more detail.

We kindly ask you to register free of charge for the curator tours, as spots on the guest list are limited:

Register for August 25 at 4:00 PM
Alternatively, September 21, 2024, at 4:00 PM

Take a look at more upcoming events:

Concert: Elies Miniatures III – The Flower and the Death
Elshan Ghasimi, Stark & Shakupa, JMH Schindele
On Saturday, September 7, 2024 | 7:00 PM
Book a ticket here.

Concert: DUO Philipp Püschel and Elshan Ghasimi
On Sunday, September 15, 2024 | 5:00 PM
Book a ticket here.

Finissage of the exhibition "New Memories (El Arbi Bouqdib Archive)"
On Sunday, October 6, 2024 | 3:00-5:00 PM
Book a ticket here.

We look forward to welcoming you again at one of these unique events.

With warm regards,
Eleonora Frolov and JMH Schindele

Ausstellung 1
Ausstellung 2
Ausstellung 3
Ausstellung 4
Ausstellung 5


Artists: Sergey Bratkov, Elshan Ghasimi, Ben Greber, Markus Hoffmann, Michal Martychowiec, Patrick Panetta, Max Schaffer, Stark & Shakupa


Curated by Eleonora Frolov and JMH Schindele
Concept and initiative: JMH Schindele


Runtime: 18. August – 6. October 2024, Saturday and Sunday, 3 - 8 PM
Address: Pumpwerk Berlin, Am Pumpwerk 4, 12524 Berlin

Key Visual

Key Visual

© Fotocredits: Arne Ahlert, Timo Kalisch
© Foto: El Arbi Bouqdib Archive, Gestaltung Masoud Morgan

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Bild Kunst Kulturwerk
Bild Kunst Kulturwerk