We are happy to invite you to the second celebration within the exhibition Engel mit Sphinx Gesichten (Sphinx faced Angels). Reason of the celebration is the inauguration of the stone ‚Der Kommende Gott‘ (The Coming God) at the exhibition space Dzialdov in Berlin. (Other stones have been installed in the following ateliers and studios: Martin Bothe, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Jaromir Hladík, Fabian Knecht, Markues and since 7 october at the studio Michael Müller).
It is an addition to Dzialdovs exhibition Heidegger stinks, like always a comment and another experiment with the ‚historical readymade‘ which Bublitz and the artist Michal Martychowiec are working on.
The exhibition text of Dzialdov reads as follows: „On 23 September 1966, and then again on 17–18 June 1968, the photo journalist and Filmmaker Digne Meller Marcovicz (*1934; †2014) took a series of photographs of the philosopher Martin Heidegger, published two years after the philosopher’s death in 1978.
The remaining copies of the original and only print run of the Stuttgart Verlag Fey edition have recently been returned from the distributors because they smell.
This exhibition is dedicated to the historic residue of printed matter and its subsequent metamorphosis into an olfactory trail.
The remaining 900 copies of the book will be given away on a first come first served basis in exchange for a voluntary donation.“
Digne Meller Marcovicz visited Heidegger on the occasion of an interview by the magazine Der Spiegel. In this interview, published 10 years later, the philosopher is being quoted with „only a god can safe us“. This is a direct reference to the poet Friedrich Hölderlin and Heideggers life-long dialogue with him. Friedrich Hölderin is summoning the ‚Coming God‘whose existence is yet to be proved and revealed.
The celebration starts at 7pm at Dzialdov. Maybachufer 43, 12047 Berlin and is part of:
Bublitz & Michal Martychowiec. Engel mit Sphinx Gesichten // Xenien 1
until the 9th of November 2016 Th - Sa, 3 - 7 pm
MMS2 Claudiusstr. 6, 10557 Berlin, Germany
and in the entire Hansaquarter
A big thank you goes out to our friends from Steinzeit for providing the raw materials.