Mnemosyne Prelude – Elshan Ghasimi

Ghasimi's seven hour-long piece The letter of politics or rules for kings is embedded within a larger show with approximately 30 performers – The Kings. This in turn is the climax and concluding event of the exhibition Insights into fleeting lives developed by Barbara Caveng and Dachil Sado, which has been running at the Museum of European Cultures since the beginning of the year.

With her title The letter of politics or rules for kings, Ghasimi chooses the call of her Persian compatriot Nizam al-Mulk (1018 – 1092 AD), this greatest amongst the grand viziers, who headed the Seljuk empire for several generations. He also wrote a book about statesmanship, which apparently influenced Macciavelli, the title of which Ghasimi has borrowed; a manual about governance and thereby about clever strategy.

At the same time, Ghasimi's performance is the second prelude for Mnemosyne. A prelude for a goddess of the future – the word 'memory' also stems from her – and a reminder that culture is always a phenomenon of dispute, syncretic crystal, a result of untold dialogues.

UTC 7 HOURS PARALLEL PERFORMANCE, 01. July 2017, from 1pm

Entry anytime, Entry free