Urraum Altar & Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe (tools)
Gabriel & Schindele
20 × 50 × 50 cm
Honey, PET bottle, pharmacy bottle, bowl, sandstone slab (polished)
on request
Urraum Altar [Primal Space Altar] & Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe (Werkzeuge) [The Third Ablution or the Baptism of Honey (Tools)]
The photograph Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe [The Third Ablution or the Baptism of Honey] corresponds directly to some objects that are arranged on a small altar a few meters in front. Gabriel calls this altar the Urraum Altar. The Urraum [Primal Space] is a central concept in his performative art. „In every performance and when I go into a trance, I create for myself a primal space in which I am only with myself. It is a kind of hermetic shelter that I demarcate, sometimes visibly, sometimes invisible to outsiders. Its purpose is to protect what is inside, and vice versa, to keep the outside from the inside.”
This Urraum is a sharply cut and polished square sandstone slab. On it, we find some tools: a glass vial with honey, a PET bottle and “one of my aluminum feeding bowls. It is the bowl with which the third ablution, the baptism of honey, was carried out. I and my animals have eaten and drunk from this for years. They are shared vessels between humans and animals.“
The symbol of honey is one of the recurring motifs of the Marianische Antiphonen [Marian Antiphons]. The bee lives on the border of plant and animal. Its honey, along with milk, is one of the ancient offerings made to Mother Goddesses since prehistoric times.
Other works of art in the exhibition
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Marianische Antiphonen I (Tafel)
Size 80 × 120 cm
Year 2020
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Zwei Autoren: Feldarbeiter – Hausarbeiter
Size 111 × 38 × 50 cm
Year 2020
Name MA I – Die geleitete Feder
Size 80 × 120 cm
Year 2019
Name Urraum Altar & Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe (tools)
Size 20 × 50 × 50 cm
Year 2017-2019
Name MA I – Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe
Size 200 × 135 cm
Year 2019
Name Die Pflanze homo absconditus
Size 175 × 31 × 31 cm
Year 2020
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Paar #11: 1968–2019 (tools)
Size 24 × 25 × 33 cm
Year 1968–2019
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Karte I – 15.9.2015–7.8.2019
Size 54 × 97 cm
Year 2019
Artist Unknown artist (France)
Name Title unknown
Size 23 × 13 × 13 cm
Year late 19th century