Marianische Antiphonen I (Tafel)
Gabriel & Schindele
80 × 120 cm
Pigment print on Photo Rag Baryta
Stefan Hähnel
1 of 4 + 1
5,000€ (inkl. VAT)
Marianische Antiphonen I (Tafel) [Marian Antiphons I (Board)]
For each of Gabriel’s performances there exists a so-called Tafel [Board].
This board gives us, in the text-image combination of nine photographs and nine text fragments, an overview of the course of events in the performance from August 5, 2019. The most important acts are outlined in simple, sometimes humorous, sometimes cryptic words. Postfactum we reconstruct as viewers – poetizing ourselves – the past, its sequences, empty spaces, physicality, and interstices.
The most important acts were: going to the Convento de Cristo, the refreshment after a long journey at a well, the retreat of the ‘soldier’, who puts down his boots – his most important tool – cleans them and then cleanses himself in three ritual acts, entering the house of God, into which he carries the newborn life, the Coming God. (He is in the form of a kitten, to which Gabriel gave the name NEO). Then the expulsion from this house by a representative of the institution and the return to the starting point and place of the cleansing ritual. There Gabriel writes four letters to the shepherd children and to Mary. He becomes a messenger and receives the inner call to carry them to Fátima, the location of the Visions of Mary. The further course of this journey is the subject and content of the Marianische Antiphonen II & III [Marian Antiphons II & III].
Other works of art by GABRIEL

Artist Gabriel
Name Der Soldat der keinen Krieg führen wollte
Size 46 x 70 cm
Year 2019
Artist Gabriel
Name Unicorn V. Eucalypto
Size 50 x 66 cm
Year 2016
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Marianische Antiphonen I (Tafel)
Size 80 × 120 cm
Year 2020
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Zwei Autoren: Feldarbeiter – Hausarbeiter
Size 111 × 38 × 50 cm
Year 2020

Name MA I – Die geleitete Feder
Size 80 × 120 cm
Year 2019
Name Urraum Altar & Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe (tools)
Size 20 × 50 × 50 cm
Year 2017-2019

Name MA I – Die Dritte Waschung oder die Honigtaufe
Size 200 × 135 cm
Year 2019

Name Die Pflanze homo absconditus
Size 175 × 31 × 31 cm
Year 2020

Künstler GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Paar #11: 1968–2019 (tools)
Size 24 × 25 × 33 cm
Year 1968–2019
Artist GABRIEL & Julian M. H. Schindele
Name Karte I – 15.9.2015–7.8.2019
Size 54 × 97 cm
Year 2019